Coral Sea Natural Park – Management Plan approved

The Management Committee in New Caledonia approved the management plan of the Coral Sea Park (28/02/2018).
The 2018/19 agenda includes the designation of several MPAs around pristine reef & seamounts as well as a tourism policy design.
Spatial Ventures supported Conservation International and the French Marine Protected Area Agency producing geomorphology mapping, benthic environment and habitat/biologic classifications.

More information about the park can be found under the link, including an overview of the area.

The Coral Sea Management plan is found here.

Openlayers 4 – Parametric View

Openlayers 4 – a parametric view is defined in Geoserver, and flitered in Openlayers through javascript – filter parameters are retrieved through an Ajax request querying the source layer in Postgres/Postgis. The layer is refined and point locations are returned and displayed. In addition, on-click events trigger retrieval of point attributes based on GeoJson.
A corresponding bounding-box is returned through an additional Postgis request, querying st_extent of the features’ geometries.


Sept 2017: Afghanistan Launch New GIS Policies to Improve Geospatial Data | Asian Development Bank

The Afghan Government agreed on new policies on the use of geospatial data – the launch date was 6th September 2017.
This process is in-line with a larger project establishing a GIS online system across government and other institutional sectors – initially supported by Spatial Ventures and Alcis (UK) through a feasibility study and needs assessment for implementing a GIS-based information platform.